+390423969584 / Booking
Via Chiesa 14 - Monfumo (TV)
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday : 19:30 — 22:30
Saturday: 12.30 – 14.30 e 19:30 – 22.30
Sunday: 12.30 – 14.30
Monday: 12.30 – 14.30 e 19:30 – 22.30
+390423969584 / Booking
Via Chiesa 14 - Monfumo (TV)
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday : 19:30 — 22:30
Saturday: 12.30 – 14.30 e 19:30 – 22.30
Sunday: 12.30 – 14.30
Monday: 12.30 – 14.30 e 19:30 – 22.30
“Climbing” in Monfumo, colors will make you feel a sense of peace and joy. Every time. In every season. Your eyes will be captured by every glimpse, every play of light.
And here you fall in love.
At least this happened to Claudio in 2009, when he decided to devote himself to his new challenge: “Osteria alla Chiesa”.
He decided to get involved with a modern kitchen, without excess but of substance. Colored and brilliant as Claudio is. He is self-taught and he was supported by his trusty friend Davide Filippetto, who helped him to develop new cooking techniques.
And then here i came, Giada. I beloved in his project. I went on tiptoe, with curiosity and enthusiasm, and now I got the lunchroom! I think about the wine list.
With constant and profitable divergences, we carry forward what has become our project.
“The table is a meeting place, a gathering ground, the source of sustenance and nourishment, festivity, safety, and satisfaction. A person cooking is a person giving: even the simplest food is a gift.”
Here it is! A really pretty and proper description. It fully explains what we believe in. It fully explains what leads us every day to curry on our purpose. These are the lovely letters…
Never exasperate. Respect for each product.
Cooking is joy.
Creativity and colors
We like the sun being on our dish.
It's really important for us to convey what we are, being aware of what we can do.
Carefulness to seasonality.
Amore per gli alimenti/Love for food
Do not distort it! We have to amplifying their peculiarities.
Our “Osteria” is a small place that has one hundred years.
The entrance, to the ground floor, is the peephole for the kitchen. It is the hospitality corner, but also the place where we love chatting, sometimes all night long… It is the place where friendship are born.
Upstairs there are two small rooms, cozy and warm.They are wrapped in crunches and history.
For the summer time, there is a terrace. It is often wrapped in a light breeze and overlooking a small square.